We deal in marketing and suppply of high quality free flow salt, refine salt, and superfine industrial salt at competative price.
We offer best quality products. Our salts are marketed under brand name HERB SHAKTI. We know all the different standards applicable.Our team insures that quality product is always delivered to our customer.
Long term relationship means competitive price. Thanks to our high yearly distribution volume we can offer secured low prices.
As specialists in logistics optimization, we'll find the best solution to optimize deliveries to our end users.
For orders, questions or quote requests please send an e-mail to info@salttrading.in We do not sell online due to constant price adjustments on salt and transport costs
Salt trading company brings business opportunities for you to become dealer and distributors of our product. This way of doing business has been going for decades and is proved to be the turning stone for success.
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Herbal iodine salt fullfills the iodine content of the body and gives strength against disease.